T75 Spectrophotometer

T75 Spectrophotometer

Dual Beam UV Visible Spectrophotometer with a wavelength range of 190 – 1100nm and fixed or variable bandpass. Instrument is supplied with an embedded Windows Touch Screen Tablet with an operating system of Windows 8 or 10. The Tablet is pre-loaded with the latest version of UVWin Software. The T75 is supplied with an 8 cell motorised cell changer as standard.

The T75 series UV Visible Spectrophotometers are dual beam having a wavelength range of 190 – 1100nm, a fixed bandpass of 2nm (T75) OR a variable Bandpass of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 or 5nm  (T75+) and a motorised 8 cell changer. The T75 series of UV-Visible Spectrometers are directly controlled by an embedded PC touch screen interface which is pre-installed with Microsoft Windows 8 or 10 operating system. Our latest UV-Win 6 software is also pre-loaded and offers many features. These include

  • Three dimensional (3D) Spectrum,
  • Kinetic measurements,
  • Photometric analysis using multiple wavelengths,
  • Method and data storage,
  • Exportation of data in multiple formats and GLP administration.
  • Fast wavelength scanning.
  • Quantitative and qualitative analysis data.

Full Specification

Optical System Dual Beam
Spectral Band width Fixed 2.0nm (Slit)
Scan Speed Selectable
Working Mode Embedded Touch Screen PC operating in Microsoft Windows 8(TM )
Software Support UV/Win Software v 6.0 (Full GLP version available on request)
Standard Functionality Photometric, Quantitative, Spectrum Scanning with 3D data representation and Kinetic measurements.
Wavelength Range 190 – 1100nm
Wavelength Accuracy ± 0.3nm (Automatic Wavelength Correction)
Wavelength Reproducibility 0.2nm
Stray Light ≤ 0.05% T (220nm Nal, 340nm NaNo2)
Photometric mode Transmission, Absorption and Energy
Photometric Range -0.3 – 3.0 Abs
Photometric Accuracy ± 0.002Abs (0-0.5A)


± 0.004Abs (0.5 -1.0A)

± 0.3%T (0-100%T)

Photometric Reproducibility 0.001Abs (0 – 0.5A)


0.002Abs (0.5 – 1.0A)

0.15%T (0 – 100%T)

Baseline Flatness ± 0.0015Abs (190 – 1100nm)
Baseline Stability 0.0008Abs/Hr (500nm, 0Abs, 2nm Spectral Bandwidth 2 hr warm up)
Photometric Noise ± 0.001Abs (500nm,0Abs, 2nm Spectral Bandwidth)
Power Supply Switchable 120 – 230vAC 50/60Hz